Welcome to the UoM Research Platform Booking System iLab

What is iLab?

iLab is the UoM supported booking system for effective and efficient research platform management. It enables users to search and book research equipment/services, and provides a platform for managers to administer services and analytical reporting. Its functionality includes calendars for reserving specific UoM platforms, access control for sensitive or validated equipment, time and cost-tracking against bookings and a number of other reports

Additional Information:

UOM Researchers

External Researchers


iLab User Guides

iLab Support

For UoM PIs

UoM users:
Please use the iLab Support Request Form

For UoM Researchers

External user from an institution that uses iLab
Please contact your Institution’s iLab Support team for assistance

For External PIs

External user from an institution that does not use iLab:
Please contact iLab Support for assistance regarding your account

For External Researchers

For any resource, service or platform-specific support:
Please contact the platform management staff,

refer to the contact information on the ‘Research Platforms’ tab.

The University of Melbourne Research Infrastructure

The University of Melbourne has a strong and proud tradition of world-class research and development. We are a committed partner in diverse research efforts, both academic and commercial. Underpinning our success is cutting-edge research infrastructure, which drives innovation, promotes multidisciplinary approaches and fosters collaboration with industry and other partners.

Our research infrastructure platforms enable research that produces cultural, economic and health benefits. Our platforms cover a wide range of disciplines and technologies, from advanced microscopy to cultural informatics, and our specialist platform experts provide distinctive capabilities.
We can find or develop a solution for your specific research challenge, offer insights, suggest new ways of working and create opportunities for development and discovery. From defining the method to analysing the data, and with training options, our platform experts can work with you to achieve trusted research results.

Refer to the below links for more information on the Research Platforms at the University:

Resources for UoM staff and students

Resources for external contacts

Refer to the Privacy Collection NoticePrivacy Collection Notice for information on how the data will be managed

iLab Cores at University of Melbourne

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
Biological Imaging (BioSciences Microscopy Unit)

The Biosciences Microscopy Unit provides access and training for a wide range of microscopy and sample preparation techniques. The techniques available include optical brightfield and fluorescent widefield microscopies, confocal microscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopies.

General Enquiries biosciences-microscopy@unimelb.edu.au 03 8344 9828
Biological Optical Microscopy Platform

BOMP provides support to state-of-the art fluorescence microscopy applications including confocal microscopy, live cell imaging, high-content screening, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, 2-photon microscopy, lightsheet microscopy, super-resolution microscopy and image analysis.

General Enquiries bomp-enquiries@unimelb.edu.au 03 9035 3021
Bioresources Platform

Team Leaders teamleadersbrf@groups.unimelb.edu.au
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

The Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Core offers a wide range of sophisticated analytical equipment and instrumentation as well as analytical services that can be accessed by external users. The list of equipment can be found here: https://chemical.eng.unimelb.edu.au/industry/equipment/list/

Steve Spoljaric steve.spoljaric@unimelb.edu.au 0487 031 556
Electrical, Mechanical and Infrastructure Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology (FEIT) offers access to a wide range of high-quality analytical equipment and instrumentations as well as many different services, that span across 3 main engineering disciplines Mechanical, Electrical and Infrastructure, for internal and external

Andrew Western a.western@unimelb.edu.au 61 3 8344 7305
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology – Technical Services

Justin Fox justinpf@unimelb.edu.au 0383446745
Faculty of Science Equipment Booking

Bryan McGowan bmc@unimelb.edu.au 8344 4027
Geotechnical, Soil & Water Laboratory

Justin Macklin justin.macklin@unimelb.edu.au 0432624522
Ian Holmes Imaging Centre

The Ian Holmes Imaging Center @ Bio21 makes available state-of-the art electron microscopes to the students and staff of the University of Melbourne, as well as the wider community.

Prof Eric Hanssen ehanssen@unimelb.edu.au 83442449
Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility

MMSPF provides open access to state-of-the art mass spectrometry applications including gel spot analysis, large scale proteomic quantitation experiments, identify post-translational modifications, characterise intact proteins, IP of protein complexes, ICPMS, confirm a chemical synthesis, HPLC.

Nicholas Williamson nawill@unimelb.edu.au 61383442206
Materials Characterisation & Fabrication Platform

The Materials Characterisation and Fabrication Platform (MCFP) supports materials science and engineering research through advanced instrumentation, analysis and characterisation.

Elena Taran elena.taran@unimelb.edu.au
Melbourne Histology Platform

We provide researchers with high quality biological tissue preparation, processing and staining services for histology; a consulting service for experimental design; and training in histology techniques which researchers can perform using our equipment and facilities on a pay-for-use basis.

General enquiries biomedsci-histology@unimelb.edu.au +61383445752
Melbourne Magnetic Resonance

We help researchers analyse molecules for pharmaceutical development, and other biological, materials and chemical applications.

General Enquiries bio21-magres@lists.unimelb.edu.au
Melbourne Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Platform

The MMMPP manages and maintains a range of mouse metabolism specialist research equipment, offering training and access on a fee-for-service basis.

MMMPP Coordinator MMMPP-research@unimelb.edu.au
Melbourne Protein Characterisation

The Melbourne Protein Characterisation platform offers technology for identifying the characteristics of individual proteins.

General Enquiries bio21-mpc@lists.unimelb.edu.au
Melbourne TrACEES Platform

Melbourne TrACEES Platform provides high quality chemical analysis for the identification and quantitation of trace elements, chemicals and structures on the surface of a sample, or within a complex matrix.

Alex Duan duanx@unimelb.edu.au 61-3-83446485
Metabolomics Australia

Metabolomics, a powerful research tool for systematic profiling of metabolic pathways in the life sciences. MA cater to complex investigations using high-throughput analytics for specific detection, quantification of metabolites. MA works collaboratively with researchers around biological questions.

Dave De Souza desouzad@unimelb.edu.au
Phenomics Australia Histopathology and Slide Scanning Service

This platform helps researchers with histopathology interpretation of disease characteristics and abnormalities, provides animal necropsy and digital slides scanning services.

Tina Cardamone t.cardamone@unimelb.edu.au 03 83448044
Plant Growth Facilities (Glasshouse Complex)

The Plant Facilities provide controlled environments such as Glasshouses, Growthrooms (CT rooms) and Growth Cabinets. Temperature, humidity, light and in some cases CO2 control is available. This facility prioritises research groups from FVAS and BioSciences.

Steve Elefteriadis selef@unimelb.edu.au 83444360
School of Chemistry Characterisation Instrumentation

Trevor Smith trevoras@unimelb.edu.au (03) 8344 6272
School of Computing and Information Systems

Allen Mari Pilares allen.pilares@unimelb.edu.au 03 9035 8760
School of Physics Fabrication and Characterisation Facilities

Jeffrey McCallum

non-iLab Cores at University of Melbourne

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics

Functional genomics determines how genes and their products contribute to different biological processes. The Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics helps biomedical researchers solve specific biological questions. Note: This platform uses its own instance of iLab. Please reach out to the Primary Contact on how to access their instance.

Kaylene Simpson kaylene.simpson@petermac.org
Melbourne Bioinformatics Platform

Melbourne Bioinformatics experts help researchers collect, store and analyse large amounts of biological data.

Assoc Prof Daniel Park enquiries@melbournebioinformatics.org.au
Melbourne Brain Centre Imaging Unit

The Melbourne Brain Centre Imaging Unit (MBCIU) offers human medical imaging using PET/CT and ultrahigh-field MRI. We scan human participants in research trials to investigate disease. We also scan animals, plants, medical implants and artefacts

Georgia Giannakis g.giannakis@unimelb.edu.au
Melbourne Bioresources Platform

The Melbourne Bioresources Platform houses and cares for small laboratory species to assist researchers studying basic biological function and disease. We are committed to the highest standards in animal care and welfare

Dr Catheryn O’Brien melb-bioresources@unimelb.edu.au
Melbourne Cytometry Platform

The Melbourne Cytometry Platform offers equipment and expertise for analysing the physical and chemical characteristics of particles, cells and subcellular components.

Alexis Gonzalez alexis.gonzalez@unimelb.edu.au
Melbourne Data Analytics Platform

The Melbourne Data Analytics Platform provides University of Melbourne researchers with data analytics, data science, software engineering and data stewardship support to enhance their research impact.

Andrew Siebel mdap-info@unimelb.edu.au
Statistical Consulting Centre

The Statistical Consulting Centre provides statistical advice and support to businesses, government, research institutions and other organisations.

Deborah Maillardet dmai@unimelb.edu.au
Methods and Implementation Support for Clinical and Health Research

The Methods and Implementation Support for Clinical and Health Research (MISCH) platform supports all stages of health-related research. MISCH coordinates access to experts in biostatistics, clinical epidemiology, health economics, health informatics, and the design and implementation of clinical trials.

MISCH Manager misch-info@unimelb.edu.au
Platform for Research Software Solutions

The Platform for Research Software Solutions develops, supports and delivers software systems for research.

Prof Richard Sinnott rsinnott@unimelb.edu.au
Research Computing Services

Research Computing Services offer specialised computing services. We support University researchers across all disciplines.

Dr Stephen Giugni OAM stephen.giugni@unimelb.edu.au
Social and Cultural Informatics Platform

The Social and Cultural Informatics Platform helps humanities and social science researchers to digitally capture and manage data, and curate and build digital resources and collections.

Nick Thieberger scip-enquiries@unimelb.edu.au